
outdoor sports

Then there was a knock algae door, she opened the door, a man rushed in and grabbed up on her, scared that she screamed aloud, even drew the attention of security, the results of this person was actually Sonny. Because the four-Fu Chen a verbal agreement to change a project's construction programs. Each other's company leader be replaced, refused to recognize on the balance due in arrears CHEN Si-fu, Chen did not give the other keys accordingly in a stalemate, Chen sent algae to adjust. Sonny nervous, decided to accompany seaweed to meet with clients. Eachother's company very bad attitude. Sonny reference to the project information, understand each other's boss's situation, an idea of playing with a phone call after the algae out play on. Manager also informed the overtime, Marry falsely reported that the training course itself, a manager for the next 135 will not have time to arrange their overtime has.

